Screen time booming but the eye health is deteriorating
Screen time booming but the eye health is deteriorating Our life revolves around digital screens, with an average North American adult spending more than 11 […]
Smoking contributes to a multitude of health problems, including stroke, high blood pressure, cancer and heart disease. However, many people are unaware of the toxic effects of smoking on your vision and eye health.
Extraocular muscles (EOM – six muscles that control the eye): increased risk for Graves’ Disease.
The toxic effects of smoking are caused by decreased flow to blood to the vessels of the eye, increased formation of clots within these blood vessels and cell damage from free radicals. However studies have shown a dose dependent relationship between tobacco use and its health side effects, therefore, these diseases (risk of) will likely decrease after smoking cessation. Some ocular conditions related to tobacco smoking have no cure, and therefore it is crucial to realize the importance of smoking cessation.
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Screen time booming but the eye health is deteriorating Our life revolves around digital screens, with an average North American adult spending more than 11 […]
A Guide to Glasses Size and Prescription Sunglasses in Canada Finding the right glasses size in Canada is crucial for both comfort and style. At […]
COVID-19 & Your Eye Health SARS-CoV-2 aka COVID-19 typically causes fatigue, fever, dry cough and breathing issues . However, a number of patients have had problems with their eyes associated with COVID-19. Since this a viral infection, it primarily causes conjunctivitis (red eye), where […]
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